Outpost Lodge
Outpost Lodge is the best place of accommodation that offers unique services and has got a very warmly welcome language and behavior for all the staff. Any time you arrive in this hotel expect to find the staff alert ready to serve you. The hotel is among the one’s in Arusha which is completely accessible to guests with physical disabilities. Apart from continental meals, soft and heavy drinks this hotel also has got amenities including comfort beds, fan, TV and swimming pool for a guest to extremely relax and feel at home. A good place where you can refresh while planning your safari in the attractive Tanzania’s destinations like Arusha National Park.
Outpost is situated in 37 Serengeti road, Arusha, Tanzania. Generally it is 10km from Arusha Airport, 48km from Arusha National Park and about 5mins drive from Clock tower roundabout.
The hotel has 28 classic rooms classified in singles, doubles, triples and 1 quadruple.
Room Type
Single Rooms, the rooms are set for individual guests to sleep. Inside rooms you will find a portable fan, safe, electric kettle, shower, free toiletries and wheelchair accessibility.
Double Rooms, they allow a stay of two guests and has got 1 queen bed/ 2 twin beds. Inside rooms you will find a tea/coffee maker, portable fan, safe, electric kettle, shower, free toiletries and wheelchair accessibility.
Property Amenities
Popular Ones
- Free parking.
- Free internet.
- Wheel accessibility.
- Daily housekeeping.
- Swimming pool.
- Massage.
- Laundry services.
Food and Drinks
- Restaurant.
- Fruits.
- Bottle of water.
- Dining room.
- Bar.
- Coffee and tea maker.